Remove Pigmentation on Face Naturally

Facial pigmentation is the most stressful skin condition as it is a cosmetic and beauty problem and causes a lot of psychological tension. But how do you remove pigmentation from face? To find the answer to this situation you must find out what caused the skin blemishes. This skin condition may be caused by several factors. Pigmentation on the face may be due to melasma, excessive sun tanning, age spots, uneven healing of pimple or acne marks, freckles or even as reaction to certain medicines or cosmetic products. Once you pin point the factor responsible for these marks, treatment becomes easier.

How To Treat Facial Pigmentation

Facial Face Mask

The first step is as you must be aware to use a good quality sun screen lotion. A good sunscreen lotion not only protects you from the harmful effects of the ultra violet ray of the skin, it contains ingredients that lighten and moisturize your skin. So look for one that contains natural or herbal ingredients and free from harsh chemicals.

The second step is to follow a regular skin care routine to repair the damage caused and help healthy cell grow back. For this you need to do regular exfoliation to remove outer skin layer that has pigmentation. Many good quality face scrubs are available for immediate use. Or you can try home made ones if you have the time.

The third step is to take care of your diet. A diet rich in anti oxidants will help in speeding up new skin regeneration. And you must take care to keep your skin hydrated by drinking sufficient water.

The fourth step is the most important step. You may need some skin whitening product if the extent of pigmentation is extensive. You may try over the counter skin bleaches or cosmetic bleaches. There are many creams and cosmetics for facial pigmentation removal. You can try some home made skin bleaches or face masks for skin whitening and pigmentation removal.

Home remedies For Facial Pigmentation Removal

There are many home remedies for this skin condition. Here are a few that give immediate result.

  • Take a pinch of turmeric powder and mix with fresh cream. Apply it evenly on the affected skin area and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Splash cold water to clean it up.
  • Mix one tea spoon lemon juice with equal amount of honey and organic yogurt. Apply the mixture to your face and wash off with cold water after 15 minutes or so.
  • Apply almond oil with the tip of your finger with a light hand to the affected skin at night and leave it on overnight.

Remove Pigmentation on Face Naturally

These simple home remedies really work wonders for your skin and remove pigmentation from your skin without any further damage. In fact there are many such natural ingredients that remove all kinds of skin blemishes and give you a radiant face. Have a look at my article on how to remove pigmentation naturally for more such useful information.

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