How To Tone Up Your Face Muscles

It's not only bottoms that benefit from an can put a smile back on those droopy faces, too! Droopiness can be caused by sudden weight loss, worry, tension, or simply by growing older. But you can tone up sluggish facial muscles by exercising just as you exercise your body to keep it in trim. Try these for a tone-up!

  • FOREHEAD LIFT: Place your thumbs just in front of your ears, your forefingers on your forehead. Now push your scalp back. Try to push your scalp muscles back still further without helping with your fingers, using the muscles themselves to do all the work. Hold for a count of six and relax. Repeat ten times.
  • CHEEK LIFT: Place your first and second fingers underneath your cheekbones and press. Now smile against the pressure. Hold for a count of six and relax. Repeat five times.
  • EYE LIFT: Hold first and second fingers firmly at the outer corners of the eye. Close your eyes and blink hard, contracting the muscles around the eyes. Hold for a count of six and open eyes as wide as possible. Repeat five times.
  • JAW LIFT: Try to touch the end of your nose with your tongue--push hard, then relax. Now push the corners of your mouth down hard, hold for a count of six, then relax. Repeat both movements ten times each.

\"Facial Massage\"

Now try this uplifting massage that the stars enjoy at expensive beauty salons. Follow these steps:

  1. Cleanse face thoroughly. Then put a little nourishing cream on our fingertips. Using both hands, apply in firm upward strokes from collar bone to jawbone.
  2. Smooth fingertips from chin to ears, then nose to temples, using a gentle, flowing movement. Do the same from the bridge of the nose up between the eyes and over the forehead.
  3. Use forefingers only to pat gently under the eyes, from the outer corners, then the inner corners and outwards over the lids.
  4. Use the backs of the hands to pat firmly under the chin moving from ear to ear. Relax and let the cream sink in thoroughly before re-applying make-up.

How To Tone Up Your Face Muscles
How To Tone Up Your Face Muscles