There are two types of Irregular pigmentation -- Hypo and Hyper -- Hypo pigmentation is a lack of pigment in localised areas such as seen in Vitiligo - this is a genetic disease with no known cause and shows itself in the skin as white patches where there is no pigment or the pigment has been destroyed. Hyper pigmentation is excessive pigment in localised areas some examples of hyper pigmentation are freckles, chloasma (the mask of pregnancy), birth marks, and liver and age spots.
We have cells in our skin which produce a substance called Melanin. Melanin is what causes you to tan when the skin is exposed to UV rays. Melanin is the skins natural protection from the sun and turns you brown. However, when the melanin is over stimulated, especially in darker skin types it may appear as darker uneven patches on the skin that is difficult to treat. Hyper pigmentation may also be caused by hormonal changes and having treatments which are too aggressive on the skin such as Microdermabrasion, deep chemical peels and laser as these treatments may over stimulate the melanocytes ( the cells which produce the melanin ).
\"face Mask\"
Once you have hyper pigmentation it is imperative that you stay out of the sun and wear a good sunscreen every day. The most effective method to treat it is to use a skin lightening agent every day containing liquorice which has been proven to be 12x more effective that something like kojic acid. Liquorice will lighten the pigmentation and also suppress the Tyrosinase enzyme which is responsible for the pigment producing cells in the skin. Professional treatments for this condition are lactic acid peels are which are very superficial and safe to use for this condition.
Lactic acid is derived from bilberry and sour milk and will act quickly on the hyper pigmented skin by lightening the affected areas. Sometimes the pigmentation may be deep in skin and is difficult to address. A good tip to help the individual assess how deep the pigment is in the skin - the lighter it appears on the skin surface the deeper it goes into the skin and may be more difficult to treat, and the darker it is means it is generally contained in the upper areas of the skin and will respond well to topically applied treatments.
Helpful products to address hyperpigmentation can be found on:
Irregular Pigmentation
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